
During the winter season, when ice and snow cover sidewalks, driveways, and roads, deicing chemicals are often used to melt away the frozen blanket. However, these chemicals can have a harsh impact on carpets when they are tracked indoors. The three main types of deicing chemicals include rock salt (sodium chloride), calcium chloride, and magnesium chloride. As people walk across these surfaces and enter indoor spaces, small particles of the deicing agents can be deposited on carpets. These substances can cause severe damage and discoloration to the delicate fibers of the carpet, creating unsightly stains and potentially weakening its overall structure. It is important to properly clean and treat carpets regularly during the winter months to prevent long-term damage from these powerful chemicals.


The harsh, pungent scent of deicing chemicals hung in the air, lingering long after the road had been cleared of snow and ice. These potent substances could cause havoc on carpets, leaving behind visible spots that were hard to miss. The minerals and salts within them would react with the delicate fibers of the carpet, resulting in patches of discoloration or unsightly marks. If left unattended, these spots could become permanent stains, forever marring the once pristine surface of the carpet. Quick action was necessary to prevent further damage.

Corrosion and Deterioration

The harsh, acidic properties of calcium chloride can slowly deteriorate and weaken the delicate fibers and backings of carpets. This can lead to structural damage and make the carpet more prone to wear and tear over time. The once plush and resilient texture of the carpet may become brittle and frayed under the corrosive effects of this chemical agent. Protecting against its harmful effects is crucial in maintaining the longevity and quality of your carpet for years to come.

Residue Buildup

With each step, people unknowingly leave behind a trail of residue from the deicing chemicals on their shoes. As they enter a building, this residue is transferred onto the carpets, leaving them sticky and gritty to the touch. Over time, the accumulation of these chemicals can impact both the appearance and texture of the once pristine carpets, giving them a worn and weathered look. The lingering scent of chemicals hangs in the air, a reminder of the constant battle against icy surfaces and the toll it takes on our surroundings.

Health Concerns

Deicing chemicals are not only hazardous to the environment, but also pose a threat to your health and that of your loved ones. The application of these chemicals is often unavoidable during harsh winter conditions, but their potential impact on human bodies should not be taken lightly. Calcium chloride, one of the most commonly used deicers, can have serious health risks when exposed in high doses. Its corrosive properties can cause damage to the eyes and irritate the gastrointestinal tract, skin, and upper respiratory system. It is important to take precautions and minimize exposure to these harmful substances for the safety and well-being of ourselves and our loved ones. Most people do not crawl around on the floor, but if you have small children or pets, it is important to protect them from exposure.

Preventive Measures and Remediation

  • Use Doormats: Placing doormats at entry points can help minimize the amount of deicing chemicals tracked indoors. Put a doormat on both sides of the door, as a place to wipe off feet, and remove shoes before entering the main areas of the home. These mats can capture a significant portion of the substances on shoes before they reach the carpet.
  • Shoe Removal: Encourage a shoe removal policy, especially during winter months. Having a designated area for shoes and providing indoor footwear can prevent the direct transfer of deicing chemicals onto carpets. (note: walking on the carpet barefoot can also damage carpets because of oils and bacteria on the feet. We advize house shoes or socks.)
  • Prompt Cleaning Address any visible salt or chemical residue on carpets promptly. Blotting the affected area with a clean, dry cloth, and using a mixture of one part white distilled vinegar to one part water, can help prevent stains and damage.
  • Regular Vacuuming Vacuum the rugs at least once weekly to remove tiny particles or solids that may not be visible.

Professional Carpet Cleaning

Don’t neglect your carpets this winter – take the time to schedule a professional cleaning. With their specialized knowledge and advanced equipment, professional cleaners are best equipped to tackle any winter-related carpet problems that may arise.

By being proactive and preventing the entry of deicing chemicals into your home, you can preserve the integrity of your carpets and ensure a clean and healthy indoor environment throughout the season.

Don’t let winter weather leave its mark on your floors. Trust in the expertise of professional cleaners to keep your carpets looking and feeling like new all year long.